Environmentally Friendly Farewells
Ninness Funeral Home is an Accredited Natural Burial Company
Ninness Funeral Home is an Accredited Natural Burial Company
Greening Your Funeral Plans
Ninness Funeral Home are a provider of modern funeral services for families in Wellington and Porirua who want a simpler, more graceful and more environmentally-friendly ways of celebrating a life well lived. As a modern funeral home, we use modern cremators with lower emissions that reduces the environmental impact of cremation. Many of us have concerns about the depletion of the earth’s resources, sustainability, and the size of our own ‘carbon foot print’. So now more than ever is the time to be seriously exploring greener options in our lives. Times of death should be no exception. Green Burials and the Ninness Funeral Home in Porirua and in the Kapiti Coast, support sustainable practises. Here are some ideas on how you might arrange a ‘greener’ funeral. Eco-Friendly Embalming… or No Embalming At All?
When instructed, embalming is carried out for viewing purposes. However more environmentally friendly embalming variations are available. We have bio-degradable embalming fluid, shampoos and cleaners for occasions when embalming is required. Embalming is not always necessary - even when your loved one is to be taken home. Consult with your funeral director for advice on what this might involve. Your options may vary depending on factors like the cause of death, the support you have and your ability to cope. (You may be asked to sign a disclaimer form). Eco-Friendly Care Alternatives For the Deceased
• Massage with rosemary oil for a pleasant aroma and to keep the skin soft • Use salted water for cleansing • Use ice packs or dry ice to keep the body cool • Keep the viewing room comfortably cool • At Ninness we have a cooler for use, when embalming is not wanted. Natural Burials in New Zealand
In a Natural Burial the body is returned to the earth for the benefit of the environment and all concerned. There are two Natural Burial Cemeteries in our region, one at Makara, Wellington and the other at Otaki, Kapiti Coast. They are managed by Wellington City Council and Kapiti Coast District Council respectively. The requirements for a natural burial are:
Other Natural or Green Burial Options
If the Natural Cemetery at Makara or Otaki seems too far away, then perhaps think about using your local cemetery and incorporate other environmentally friendly options. Local cemetery graves can be double depth allowing for the burial of 2 family members together, thus taking up less land. Some cemeteries even have triple depth plots. Eco-Friendly Cremations
As a modern funeral home, we use modern cremators. This technology has double burning capacity and is designed to have extremely low emissions. Ash burials contain no nutrients so while burial is an option, there will be no benefit to the environment. Ashes may be scattered in a place of some significance or combined with soil in a pot plant. Bio-Degradable and Eco-Friendly Caskets
We have a variety of bio-degradable caskets for you to choose from. They are made from:
These materials are all sustainably grown and manufactured, and contain no glue, metal or chemicals of any kind. These compliment the caskets in our regular range. Ask your funeral director for a look at our catalogue. Other Green Ideas
… and the list goes on, limited only by your imagination and skill. |
Green Burials and Cremations
Wellington, Porirua and the Kapiti Coast We are keen to help you reduce your impact on the environment through a Green Burial or an Eco-Friendly Funeral and Farewell.
Call us with your questions, or to talk over your ideas. We are here to make a difference
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